The dead are among us - Chapter 11 - Ally of old

Dean is in shock on the floor with the undead swarming around him. He has no choice but to pick up Lewis' injured body and try to run as fast as he can for the only visible gap through the undead. This however is where the bandit is. Lewis was wearing a light grey t-shirt however it is now a bloody mess, dripping onto the floor. He looks up out of his slightly bruised and swollen eyes to see the bandit laughing and pointing a gun at him. As Dean staggers to approach him, he sees a swing of some sort of metal object and the bandit drops to the floor. In shock Dean nearly drops Lewis but manages to keep a grip onto him. He looks up to see the outline of 2 men. With the sun in his eyes aswell as the reduced vision he has, he can't quite make out who it is. One of the men says "I decided to come and help. Looks like I got here in the nick of time. Quick, Valor, Grab the man who's been shot. I'll get this guy. He seems like he's seen better days." 

Dean is starting to pass out, caused from a mixture of exhaustion, and when he was getting beat up by the bandit inside of the cul-de-sac. His eyes keep shutting but he is fighting the urge to pass out. He is being helped towards the small metal gate by the side of the store by one of the men. He looks over to his right where he can see Lewis being carried by a tough looking man. "Poppy, Jade, we need help. One of you help me with this man. The other grab his shotgun. He's just dropped it." says one of the men. They undo the metal gate and lock it shut. This leads them into a small overgrown garden next to the road. "Lets see if we can get them to the house we were at a few streets away. Maybe I can save them." says one of the women.

Dean keeps going in and out of consciousness but can see they are fighting there way through streets and gardens. Luckily it seems like the moans of the undead are getting quieter. He thinks to himself "Are we getting away from them or am I getting weaker.? Am I going unconscious or am just going to die?" He takes his last look before he blacks out. 

Some time has passed but Dean starts to open his eyes. He can see that he is in some sort of bedroom under a duvet. There is little light, only some streaks of sunshine that is coming through the mostly drawn curtains. He moves with a small amount of pain, more aches than anything. He sits up on the edge of the bed and tries to think what happened. He can remember Lewis being shot and running from something but his memory goes a bit fuzzy. He stands up and walks towards the black curtains on the other side of the room. He undraws them to reveal a empty small road that house is on. He doesn't really recognise it. Dean looks around the room in search of his knife or shotgun but to no avail.

He quietly exits the room onto the landing. He hears a few voices from downstairs, one of them sounding familiar. He tries to tip-toe his way down the stairs however they make a loud creaking noise. "Hey, you finally awake?" says a voice coming from downstairs. He walks down the rest of the stairs into an open plan living dining room. He can see that there are 4 people sat in the room. Firstly he looks at the 2 women that are sat on the sofa near the door. "Hey, I'm Poppy. I'm a nurse. I managed to stitch up your friend upstairs the best I could and removed the bullet. He should be okay. We're going to need to get him some more painkillers though as we're out." Says the first woman. She is a petite ginger woman with short hair. She has very pail skin and is in her early 30's. "What's your name?" says Poppy. "I'm Dean, and the guy that is shot upstairs is Lewis. we've got separated from our group. How long have I been out?" "Oh, I'm Jade by the way. I'm Poppies girlfriend. You passed out when we saved you at about 3 or 4 pm yesterday. It's about 11 am now." Jade is around 34 years old and is a lot bigger than Poppy. She has long brown hair and is around 5 foot 9. 

Dean now looks over to the 2 men that are sat near the dining table. He looks at the one man who has curly brown hair. "Oh shit. I remember you. You were at the Supermarket when we met the bandits?" says Dean. "Yeah haha. Had a change of heart and thought I'd come and help. You told me where to come I just didn't have the confidence to get in a war when you mentioned it. I met these guys the other day. My names Chris in case you forgot. You've been introduced to Poppy and Jade. Well this is the man that carried your friend. is name is Valor" says Chris as he points to the man he's sat next to. Valor looks to be in his late 20's and is a medium build. He is relatively short at about 5 foot 8. He appears to have dirty blonde hair with a small ginger beard.

"We had heard the shots which is how we'd found you. Honestly best if you try to keep the noise to a minimum. I use this" Says Valor as he shows his hammer to Dean. "Yeah good idea. I had a knife on me which ill probably just use as much as I can. Thankyou guys for saving me and Lewis. We owe you one big time" Dean replies.

Around 10 minutes passes and Chris says "Alright. In 10 minutes me and Valor are going to go to that Tesco store to get some painkillers. We have run out and Lewis will probably be awake soon. Poppy you'll need to be hear for when he wakes up. Dean and Jade you can keep an eyes out just in case." "No. I'm coming. I want to get out and help. You can't stop me haha." explains Dean. He gets up out of the chair and gets his stuff.

Dean, Valor and Chris all get there gear ready and head off in a car to go to Tesco.


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